When you have to fight both viruses!

It is not debatable that Healthcare Organizations are most under pressure in the past year, not only needing to treat the many patients infected by the deadly virus corona, but also defend their own selves from a growing number of cyberattacks targeted at their industry.

Hackers are putting a bullseye on healthcare. Experts explore why hospitals are being singled out and what any company can do to better protect themselves.

As we are fighting the virus and feel we are almost there to defeat it but the bigger challenge seems like never ending and ever growing. Healthcare cybersecurity is in triage mode with both viruses. Professionals are struggling to cope and cyber criminals are taking full advantage of the situation.

According to experts “systems are stretched to the limits by COVID-19 and technology becomes an essential part of everyday patient interactions. Hospital and healthcare IT departments have been left to figure out how to make it all work together, safely and securely.”

Research says that the top 5 challenges within healthcare cybersecurity are

  • Lack of cybersecurity education
  • Limited budget for cybersecurity
  • Healthcare’s attack surface is growing
  • Healthcare cybersecurity risks are ignored
  • Patients are handling medical data

We all know ignorance is a bliss in this case ignorance is a curse and can cost immense damage. It is important that healthcare professionals get educated in order to detect problems before they arise.

Sears indicates that, each of these areas speaks to the bigger picture challenge facing healthcare organizations. With the patient’s care on the line, healthcare organizations will need to ensure they are taking the necessary steps to implement best practices and ensure their networks are protected in

Saif Ahmed Bhuiyan

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25th of May 2023