Stocholmsmässan, Stockholm

14 November 2019



Chairmans Live Showcase Opening

Mika Kataikko
Project Manager
City of Jyväskylä


Geopolitical consequences of information: the role of the IT sector

• Seizing the explosion of unsecured personal information as counterintelligence problem
• Information dominance – Who controls information and internet infrastructure
• Cybersecurity regulation for IoT devices – Public interest and personal security
Lindsay Gorman
The German Marshall Fund


Hacking Democracy by Hacking Minds

• Humans and technology
• Algorithms, radicalisation, and disinformation
• Algorithmic inequality
Moderator: Łukasz Krol
Digital Projects Coordinator
College of Europe I Natolin Campus
Manuel Almeida Pereira
Programme Manager
Council of Europe
Maria Zhdanova
Digital Strategist
Lindsay Gorman
The German Marshall Fund
Nataliya Bugayova
Research Fellow, Russia Team Lead,
Development Advisor
Institute for the Study of War


Deep Dive into Modern Communication Architecture

• Communication itself must be as reliable and healthy as water.
• The society is though procuring the cheapest simplest communication out there, so the quality is in fact not what is expected, and the low quality have negative implications on the ability for continued evolution of the society.
Patrik Fältström
Head of Engineering, Research andDevelopment


Better safe than sorry – Fraud Prevention and Personal Security

• Seizing the explosion of unsecured personal information as counterintelligence problem
• Information dominance – Who controls information and internet infrastructure
• Cybersecurity regulation for IoT devices – Public interest and personal security
Moderator: Yuliya Morenets
Child online Protection expert, International Telecommunication Union ITU, TaC-Together against Cybercrime Internationa
Elise Revell
Cyber Security Evangelist
Filip Johnssén
Senior Legal Counsel Privacy Klarna
Timo Piiroinen
Director, Head of Forensics
KPMG Finland
Olesya Danylchenko
Advisory Group on Financial Services of European Cybercrime Center


Information Systems and Smart Grid Security

• Smart Grid Security as the service
• Current trends in securing data transmission between digital objects
• inSecure Industrial Internet of Things, and what to do with it
Moderator Brian O’Toole
Chief Information Security Officer Ericsson
Mark B. Cooper
Leading PKI Cybersecurity Subject Matter Expert, Author, Speaker, Trainer, Microsoft Master President at PKI Solutions
Yuri Kargapolov
ITU senior network expert,Chair of the ISOC IoT Special Interest Group ITU
Bert Heitink
Senior Principal Consultant Alertteam


Securing Critical Infrastructures as a Service: Lessons learned from PPP

• Critical Infrastructures are more and more developed in ecosystems and operated as services, instead of being verticals
• Lifecycle management extremely important both in terms of services but especially in terms of cybersecurity, since threads are evolving in an ever-increasing speed
• Public Sector has great responsibility on Critical Infrastructures, more emphasis to be put on Procurement, especially in terms of the service lifecycle and related costs, cybersecurity over the lifecycle, business and operative liabilities and finally, legislation and regulation
Mika Kataikko
Project Manager
City of Jyväskylä


Critical Infrastructure Security

• How can a public organization ensure, especially when acquiring a service, that it is cyber secure?
• Assessing how public organizations can ensure that the services and solutions provided by private partners are following the ever-extending regulation related to and privacy
• Exploring how will the change in the IT infrastructures (from verticals to service layers) effect the cybersecurity of services
Moderator Mika Kataikko
Project Manager
City of Jyväskylä
Jarno Lötjönen
Director Institute of Information Technology at JAMK University of Applied Sciences
Marco Hogewoning
Senior External Relations Officer (Technical Advisor)
Patrik Fältström
Head of Engineering, Research and Development
Mark B. Cooper
Leading PKI Cybersecurity Subject Matter Expert, Author, Speaker, Trainer, Microsoft Master President at PKI Solutions


Looking at Cybersecurity – 4 Maturity Steps in Industrial Security for the next 4 years

• Future OT & IT integration
• Exploring the innovative “wonders” of the Utility network
• Resilience for Business and Cybersecurity disruptions
• Understanding how to enhance digital security in the lines of industrial equipment
Bert Heitink
Senior Principal Consultant Alertteam


Summary of Event: Industry 4.0 & Cybersecurity

• Looking into Cyber threats and opportunities embedded in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
• Cyber domain as a battlefield for algorithms and humankind
• Glancing at the Future – The trends for the next decade
Moderator Oleksandr Tsaruk
University of Virginia
Moderator Mika Kataikko
Project Manager
City of Jyväskylä
Elise Revell
Cyber Security Evangelist
Patrik Fältström
Head of Engineering, Research and Development
Moderator: Łukasz Krol
Digital Projects Coordinator
College of Europe I Natolin Campus



Defend it All – Securing A Connected World, Speaker TBA

• Insights into end-point detection and threat hunting as well as incident response methods


Partner Customer case study, TBA


3rd party security

Most important is to engage and encourage colleagues to ask questions and act upon security deficiencies
• How important is information in your company?
• Where is your information really stored?
• Keep track of your information!
Ingela Schmidt
Chief Information Security Officer
SEB Pension & Försäkring


Topic To Be Announced

Brian O’Toole
Chief Information Security Officer Ericsson


Why ZTNA (Zero Trust Network Access ) is Critical to Securing Cloud Transformation

• What exactly is this ‘Zero Trust Network Access’ thing and why is it important to my enterprise?
• What value can you drive from such a strategy?
• How simply can you implement this strategy for your enterprise?
Nathan Howe
Director of Transformation Strategy Zscaler


Partner Customer case study, TBA

Laurie Mercer
Security Solutions Engineer HackerOne


Topic To Be Announced

Mark Strande
Chief Information Security Officer Klarna


Protecting the financial eco system

The financial eco system is a constant target to cyber security attacks. Each financial organization is protecting itself, but how can a country provide an iron dome of cyber security protection specifically for the financial sector.
• The Isareli National Financial CERT – operating model, responsibilities, etc.
• How can an entire financial process be protected when it crosses financial institutions, suppliers, technologies.
• How can startups utilize unique governmental assets and a state’s advantage in cybersecurity.
Rahav Shalom-Revivo
Fintech and Cyber Innovations Manager
Israel Ministry Of Finance

Data Protection – GDPR


Threat Intelligence, Third Party Risk Assessment and Threat Prediction – Building Cyber Threat Analyst Centaurs Using AI and Machine Learning

Staf fan Truve
CTO Recorded Future


Is Your Data Security Approach Putting You at Risk?

• The current state of cybersecurity risk management
• Best practices for managing the risks from data leakage
• Innovative approaches to help protect information, privacy and reputation
Duncan Brown
Chief Security Strategist EMEA


Topic To Be Announced

Eva Throne-Holst
Head of Group Security UC


Topic To Be Announced

Helena Örtholm
Group DPO and Head of Operational Risk Management Tele2

Identity & Access Management


The 5 urgent steps any CISO should take to improve their Active Directory’s security

• How to implement a real Least Privileges strategy for Active Directory
• How to Inventory, detect and fix specific Active Directory Misconfigurations
• How to Build and run some Active Directory crisis simulation and prepare to rebuild
Sylvain Cortes
Security Evangelist Alsid


Partner Customer case study, TBA


Topic To Be Announced

Fredrik Malmström
Head of Group Information Security Handelsbanken


Topic To Be Announced

Henning Ankarudd
CISO Icomera

IoT & Network Security


Partner Customer case study, TBA

Matt Rose
Global Director Application Security Strategy Checkmarx


Session Reserved – TBA


How to Future-Proof IoT Security

Most Internet of Things (IoT) devices have poor security in place, with attack groups increasingly focused on IoT as a soft entry point to steal credentials and data. IoT security is not a one size fits all approach — the longevity of the information, and now privacy all need to be considered and addressed by the PKI in its design, operations, and management.
• Understand the nature and needs of IoT devices and why it’s important to build in device security now for the future
• Understand how to use different approaches using certificate authorities
• Learn how to secure devices over their lifetimes
Mark B. Cooper
Leading PKI Cybersecurity Subject Matter Expert, Author, Speaker, Trainer, Microsoft Master President at PKI Solutions


Session Reserved – TBA

Mobile & Cloud Protection


Netwrix, Extending Data Security to the Cloud

More and more organizations are moving their data to the cloud while still maintaining their on-premises systems. While this hybrid model drives new business opportunities, it also creates new challenges for IT teams, who have to manage and protect data spread across diverse data repositories. Without a holistic data-centric strategy, a single employee mistake or a simple misconfiguration can result in a data breach and serious damage to the business.
• Understand the nature and needs of IoT devices and why it’s important to build in device security now for the future
• Understand how to use different approaches using certificate authorities
• Learn how to secure devices over their lifetimes
Kennet Johansen
Data Security Expert Netwrix


Partner Customer case study, TBA


Securing the vehicles of tomorrow

Elpidoforos Arapantonis Nordics Cybersecurity conference speaker
Elpidoforos Arapantonis
System and Cyber Security Engineer Volvo Cars


Session Reserved – TBA

Henning Ankarudd
CISO Icomera



Partner Customer case study, TBA

• Insights into end-point detection and threat hunting as well as incident response methods


Partner Customer case study, TBA

Mr. Prasenjit Saha
Chief Information Security Officer
SEB Pension & Försäkring


Bitdefender, Applying machine learning to network centric security

• The common denominator of all devices in the enterprise environment is the network traffic, making network-centric security the most effective approach in defending modern heterogeneous enterprise environments
• Flow-data analysis leverages network traffic meta-data (source, destination, protocols, packet count, etc) and focuses on traffic patterns and subtle changes in network communication behaviour to detect advanced attacks and compromised endpoints
• We will explore how applying machine learning to network traffic enables network traffic security analytics solutions to improve detection of advanced threats that might target the entire range of network-connected devices.
Joseph Abou-Haidar
Sales Engineer Bitdefender


Junglemap, Survival tips in a digital (D) jungle

In a world which is digitized at an ever faster pace, we are talking more and more about technology. But man then, how affected she and most of all, how do we change her behavior and create a functioning safety culture?
• Digital security
• Safety culture
• Systematic safety
Robert Willenborg
Chief Information Security Officer Jungle Map


DarkTrace, A New Era of Cyber Threats: The Shift to Self Learning, Self Defending Networks The Enterprise Immune System: The World’s Leading AI

• Leveraging machine learning and AI algorithms to defend against advanced, never-seen-before, cyber-threats
• How new immune system technologies enable you to pre-empt emerging threats and reduce incident response time
• How to achieve 100% visibility of your entire business including cloud, network and IoT environments
• Why automation and autonomous response is enabling security teams to neutralize in-progress attacks, prioritise resources, and tangibly lower risk
• Real-world examples of subtle, unknown threats that routinely bypass traditional controls
William Personne
Account Manager Darktrace


Digital Shadows, Demystifying the dark web: Why the dark web is critical to understanding the threat landscape

• A set of working definitions for surface, deep and dark web – why there is not one ‘dark web’
• A discussion of how behaviours have changed following law enforcement operations on the AlphaBay and Hansa marketplaces
• How new models of communication, such as peer-to-peer systems are changing the way that threat actors interact
• How digital technologies are breaking down former geographic divides in the criminal community
• How monitoring these sources can help mitigate the tactical and strategic risk to companies
Stewart Bertram
Director of Professional Service and Closed Sources Digital Shadows


Partner Customer case study, TBA


PWC, Lost in translation, where hackers and management meet, How to build the understanding.

Per Arne Molin
Partner with specialty in Cybersecurity PwC

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